Welcome to Brentwood in a Minute
Here are the latest issues for you to know about:
Oil Drilling Proposed Near Brentwood Homes
Facebook Page – No Drilling in Brentwood or visit Sunflower Alliance
Bridle Gate
Development on Capped Oil Wells next to Brentwood
Want to learn more about how the City of Brentwood works?
Attend the meetings! You can attend the following meetings:
Subscribe for meeting notifications including agendas, instructions for participating in person or over the internet and for submitting input via email
You can also view the City Council meetings on Delta TV or channel 26 on Comcast or you can stream them on your laptop.
School Districts
Want to be more in the know about your school district?
Brentwood Unified School District (TK – 8th grade) ​
Liberty Union High School District (9-12, Adult Ed) ​
Now that it’s dry season, you might want to know more about the Contra Costa Fire Board.
Jovita Mendoza has developed a Spreadsheet of all Brentwood Developments