Zoom Meeting
January 17th
2 to 4 pm
Guest Speaker
Diana Becton
Contra Costa County District Attorney
Monthly Meetings
Every 3rd Sunday 2 to 4
April 10th
2 to 4
Guest Speaker
Brentwood Police Chief
Tom Hansen
Thank You
Tamisha Torres Walker
Executive Director Safe Return
for sharing the challenges of bringing racial justice to East Contra Costa County
Club Elections
January 17th
President, Vice President,
Secretary and Treasurer
Click here for
if you would like to run,
click Here for
Intent to Run forms are due
January 4, 2021
Thank You
Congressman Jerry McNerney
for sharing your insight into our National Issues at our April Meeting and representing us so well
Thank you
Lamar Thorpe
Antioch City Council
sharing your insights into the
challenges of creating change in
East County
Thank You
Victoria Adams
President East County NAACP
for being the guest speaker at our first online general meeting! Victoria spoke on the goals and issues of the NAACP at the national, state and local levels including the 2020 NAACP theme of unification and collaboration. www.eastcountynaacp.com Thanks to Monica Wilson, Antioch City Council Member for attending and being part of the conversation.
MCDC Endorsements
Lamar Thorpe * Mayor
Tamisha Torres City Council Dist 1
Tony Tiscareno City Council Dist 2
Monica Wilson * City Council Dist 4
Ellie Householder Clerk
Antonio Hernandez AUSD Area 1
Crystal Sawyer White AUSD Area 3
Karen Rarey Mayor
Jovita Mendoza *City Council Dist 1
Susannah Meyer City Council Dist 3
Thuy DaoJensen * BUSD
Stephanie Williams-Rogers BUSD
Tamela Hawley LUSD
Yolanda C. Mendrek LUSD
Conan Moats City Council
Oakley & Bethel Island
Angela Lowrey * Ironhouse Sanitary
Dawn Morrow * Ironhouse Sanitary
Contra Costa County
East CC Fire District
Contra Costa Water Board District 4
Community College - Ward 5
* Marsh Creek Dem Member
COVID Vaccination
NO Appointment
April 15th to 25th
Ages 16 and older
Antioch Community Center
4703 Lone Tree Way Open 9 to 4
Thank you Congressman McNerney for sponsoring
Wildfire Preparedness Town Hall
Donations Always Needed
Hijas Del Campo is a Contra Costa County grass roots organization that aims to help migrant and seasonal farmworkers improve their working conditions, health, and safety. Their goals are to ensure that every farm worker has access to legal and labor education. This is a way for us to create a world in which farming is not only a viable career, but also a way to preserve ancestral lands, heritage, and lifestyles. MCDC Member Marivel Mendoza-Matheu, is a Founding member.
There are several ways to help them.
1. Amazaon Gift List for Farmworkers
2. Donations - Venmo - @HijasDelCampo2020
3. HDC 2021 Christmas Ornament
Starting March 8th
If you're running for office, thinking of running for office, or looking to strengthen your tools for helping campaigns, join us for our election training series! Click HERE for more information.
Notes from Previous Meetings
Thanks to Our November Speaker
Rev. Will McGarvey
How to Talk to the Other Side Without Being Combative
Dr. Robin DiAngelo via video
Implicit Racism
Internal Retrospection
Deconstructing White Privilege
Implicit Racism - Introspection Pt 2
Thank you to Michael Dupray for
his personal reflections
Suggested Readings on Implicit Racism
White Fragility by Dr. Robin DiAngelo
Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen
The Myth of Race by Robert Wald Sussman
Lynching Lynchism by Terri Strong
Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization By Anthony T. Browder
Nice Racism by Dr. Robin DiAngelo
A People's History of the United State by Howard Zinn
Proposition Recommendations
1 - YES 26 - NO 27 - NO
28 - Yes 29 - NO 30 - NO
31 - YES
Measure Q - YES
Click to Read
Issues Committee Analysis
Primary Endorsements
U.S. House of Representatives, 8th District Congressman John Garamendi
Contra Costa County District Attorney
Diana Becton
Contra Costa County Assessor
Floy Andrews
Contra Costa County Sheriff
Benjamin Therriault
County Superintendent of Schools
Lynn Mackey
MCDC Endorsements
Click on the Candidate's Name to reach their website and DONATE.
Congressman 9th District
Congressman 10th District
Congressman 8th District
Monica Wilson * City Council Dist 4
Tamisha Torres-Walker* City Council Dist 2
Dr. Jag Lanthan* AUSD Area 2
Dominique LaToya King* AUSD Area 5
City Council Dist 2
Jacob Singh* City Council Dist 4
Liberty Union HS District
Darlene Weaver Area 4
Dante Ross Area 3
Byron Union School Board
Lucy Rodriguez*
Contra Costa County
Contra Costa Board of Education, Area 5
Mark Foley*
BART District 2
Colin Coffee*
East Bay Park, Region 7
* Marsh Creek Dem Member
Stop By
and Say Hi
We're Outside
Most Saturdays from 9 to 11
In Front of Bank of America
Donate where your Money will make a difference
The next 2 weeks are Crucial
Locally: All of the candidates on the right need donations to help them win and implement Democratic values locally.
State & Nationally: Blueprint.swingleft.org focuses giving to to Democratic campaigns with a higher probability of success. Our site is https://secure.actblue.com/donate/blueprint-east-cococounty-victory-fund
Congressman McNerney Canvasses NO on Recall
Marsh Creek Dems
Wrote 1800 + Postcards
Delivered 1000 Door Hangers
E-mailed 6000 Dems
Sent 1000 Texts
Encouraging Democratic Votes to Vote NO on Recall
Congrats to All Who Helped
Coffee & Chat
Virtual Coffee and Chat
4th Saturday of the Month
10:00 AM
June 24th & July 23rd
Monthly Meeting
Sunday, March 17
2 - 4 PM
To see a list of past and future speakers, click HERE
Brentwood Community Center